Going Back to Work When Companies are Downsizing

Posted by in Career Advice

Over the last few months job seekers have increasingly shared their concern that more layoffs have increased competition in the job market. With more qualified workers in the market for jobs, some career reentry professionals are concerned that the more qualified competition will make it harder for them to find work. It is a scary time for workers who are considering career reentry. Many are asking the question, "How can I go back to work when companies are downsizing?"

My advice for career reentry professionals or any job seeker right now is to stay positive and focus on developing or enhancing their own competencies and job skills. Here are some concrete, actionable steps career reentry job seekers should think about regardless of the state of the economy.

Revisit and Revamp your Resume
If there is ever a time to make sure your career reentry resume is in tip top shape, it would be now. There are many online resume writing services to help job seekers with free resume critiques. The more eyes you get on your resume the better it is for you. Some resume writers have specific experience working with career reentry professionals and older workers who want to find employment. Consider using a functional resume if you need to switch your career focus.

Market your Current Job skills and the Need for Less Training
Employers looking to reduce costs in a tight economy may want to save time and money by hiring workers who need less training. Job seekers should focus their attention on finding work in jobs where they have already mastered the competencies needed to succeed. Having required job skills and competencies can be a significant advantage for the jobseeker who can hit the ground running. Think through how you can sell your transferable skills to employers as well.

Consider Part-Time Hours and Less Benefits
Many career reentry jobseekers who want to reenter the workplace are willing to so on a temporary basis at first. Typically in a slow economy, employers find temporary, part time, consulting employees a real advantage. Additionally, part-time employees might offer the scheduling flexibility the employer needs to help during times of greatest need. If you can afford to do it, also be willing to negotiate for fewer benefits.

Volunteer and Learn New Skills
If you are exploring workplace reentry into a new career where you don't have all the experience to make you a great candidate, consider volunteering. If you can afford to do it, volunteering is a way to gain new skills, get a foot in the door and establish new contacts. You never know where these new contacts will lead.


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  • Chartric
    Great thinking!
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